Who can join?
Membership of SUGUNA is open to all graduates of the University of Sydney, former students whose study did not proceed to the awarding of a degree, former faculty members or employees, and/or any other person who has, as goals, the promotion of academic excellence and material prosperity for the University. It is intended to be for people who primarily reside in one of the three North American countries (United States, Canada and Mexico).
How can I join?
Join the mailing list! Joining the mailing list and joining SUGUNA are the same thing. This will enable you to and participate in business decisions of SUGUNA, and receive updates about the organization and events. If you are already a SUGUNA member, please update you contact information, such as email address. Membership dues are not required.
If you wish to leave as SUGUNA member - simply unsubscribe from the mailing list - it’s that simple.
Updating your details with the University
Joining SUGUNA and the mailing list does not update your details with the University. Although we closely collaborate with the University of Sydney as an affiliate of the international alumni network, we are a independent US-based non-profit organization. We also encourage you to update your details with the University directly.
Who are we?
We are a United States-based 501(c)7 not-for-profit organisation operating since 1990 that works with alumni and the extended USyd community to support the University of Sydney in North America. You can download our by-laws.
Current Board of Directors
- Richard F. Southby, President
- Alex Lancaster, Vice-President
- Fred Kam, Treasurer
- Patrick (Paddy) Ward, Secretary
- Julia Elmer
- Ronald Ettinger
- Jenny Green
- Wanda M Haschek-Hock
- Christopher Lawrance
- Angela Wales Kirgo
- Louisa Teo